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Friedrich Nietzsche on Justice and Compassion – Crime Against Criminals

Our crime against criminals lies in the fact that we treat them like rascals.

– Friedrich Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human

Our Interpretation:

Nietzsche suggests that society’s approach to criminals is superficial and unjust. By treating them merely as wrongdoers (“rascals”), we overlook the complex factors that lead to their behavior. In essence, he is highlighting the irony that society’s treatment of criminals often lacks the very compassion and understanding that a “gentle and just-minded” person would advocate.


This quote is from Nietzsche’s work “Human, All Too Human,” where he frequently challenges conventional moral thinking. In this instance, Nietzsche is critiquing the way society handles criminality, suggesting that a more nuanced, empathetic approach is needed. He questions whether the current system truly serves justice or merely perpetuates an oversimplified view of right and wrong.